
Bisly is built around the idea of making professional intelligent building technology available to all market segments. We use cutting-edge technology — a mix of our own hardware as well as market-specific third-party hardware that is delivered through a single cloud platform. Using open technologies and secure wired connections ensures the reliability expected in the professional intelligent building sector.

Our platform’s patented single-cloud process is built around the following key principles:

  • Making intelligent buildings affordable for everyone by reducing related overheads
  • Using digital twin configurator to enable selling at scale by our partners
  • Universal building data structure enables maximizing energy savings over time for buildings running on our platform
  • Maximum data reusage and plug&play deployment both reduce installation time as well as assure quality and remove integrator pain


Robust architecture and topology require next to no onboarding. Example projects, BIM elements and documentation are made available.

Key points that make the technology easy to plan:

  • Minimal and all digital sensing approach
  • Traditional high current wiring
  • Universal low current data cabling
  • Robust network architecture

Developers and fund managers

Next to no add-on cost compared to conventional buildings, thanks to hardware optimization and unprecedented overhead reduction.

  • Commercial deployment model is purely a SaaS model (Software, apps and hardware), depending on features deployed (intelligent HVAC, lights, access, etc.) all integrated with local market players. Traditional buyout + SaaS option is available.
  • Residential deployment model keeps the base price of intelligent buildings at the same level as conventional buildings, while allowing upsell of premium functions to customers. Minimal updates/connection fees are passed to residents.
  • Hospitality deployment model allows full SaaS model, including hardware, application, and management software (integrations with market players).


Our solution is not built at some faraway office, but has been developed on building sites side-by-side with the builders. The architecture of the solution is simple, allows fast deployment (no setup, coding on site) and provides added value during the building and warranty period.

  • One system integrating all of the necessary technical solutions into one, out-of-the box solution (HVAC, Access, energy, lights, shades etc) with next to no add-on cost.
  •  Full overview of the building is provided through digital twin, reducing the building and warranty costs.
  • Building management platform benefits made available for all market segments (including mass market residential).
  • Robust architecture, secure and cost-effective wired technology with minimal components.

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Full details of the Bisly Single Cloud platform will be made available in Q4 2022.